Alternative dispute resolution | & Other Stories NL

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Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) for EU residents

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This is to inform you that as a consumer, you have the option of contacting a local ADR entity regarding a dispute which you have been unable to settle directly with & Other Stories.

What is ADR?

ADR is a dispute resolution procedure for the out-of- court resolution of domestic and cross-border disputes concerning contractual obligations stemming from sales contracts or service contracts between a trader established in the Union and a consumer resident in the Union through the intervention of an ADR entity which proposes or imposes a solution or brings the parties together with the aim of facilitating an amicable solution.

ADR entities are out-of-court (non-judicial) entities. An ADR entity is a neutral party (e.g. a conciliator, mediator, arbitrator, ombudsman or a complaints board) which H&M will make use of to settle disputes, if the consumer decides for an ADR settlement. The ADR process is a low-cost, simple and fast procedure and is therefore beneficial to both consumers and traders, who are able to avoid court costs and lengthy procedures.